Dr. Sweet’s research employs quantitative and qualitative methods to to address questions on international politics and development economics. See Google Scholar for links to works and citation count.
Getting Supplies in the Right Hands. Berkley Review of American Studies, 2021.
“Emerging Powers Coalitions: India and Brazil Examined,” Chapter in the book Handbook of BRICS and Emerging Economies, edited by Shailaja Fennell, PB Anand and Flavio Comim, Oxford University Press., 2020.
“Do Patents Matter? 40 Years of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Productivity,” with Dalibor Eterovic, World Development, Vol 115, March, p. 78-93., 2019.
“The Politics and Policies of Regulating Generics in Latin America: A Survey of 17 States,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, June, 42(3) 485-512., 2017.
“Global Pharmaceutical Regulation and the Challenge of Integration for Developing States,” Globalization and Health (with Anthony Pezzola) 12(1) 85-93., 2017.
“Do stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase Innovation?” World Development, February (66) 665-677. (with Dalibor Eterovic), 2015.
"Healthcare Management Strategy, Communication and Development Challenges and Solutions in Developing Countries," Book Review in World Medical & Health Policy, March (7) 86-87, 2015.
“Brazil woke up stronger? Power, protest and politics in 2013.” Revista de Ciencia Politica, 34 (1) 59-78, 2014.
“Democracy and Education in 20th Century Latin America.” Economics and Politics, July, 26 (2) 237-262. (with Dalibor Eterovic), 2014.
“The Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals in Brazil,” In The New Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals in the Global South, ed. Owain Williams and Hans Lofgren, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 29-47, 2013.
“Barriers to Indian Pharma Post-2005,” In L'accès aux antirétroviraux dans les pays du sud. ed. B.Larouzé and C.Possas. Paris: Editons ANRS, 109-124 (with Keshab Das)“, 2013.
Emerging Multinationals in Emerging Markets: Indian Pharmaceuticals in Brazil,” International Journal of Emerging Markets, 5 (3/4) 398-422, 2013.
“The Latin American Pharmaceutical Sector IPR Regulation, Productive Capacity, and Innovation in the Post-TRIPS Environment.” United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, DPPE Section Commissioned Study, 2009.
Dr. Sweet collaborates with research communities and projects across academia and policy institutions:
As a member of the Board of directors of independent Latin American think tank Espacio Público, Dr. Sweet is passionate about building coalitions to democratize policy discussions, increase public transparency and move societies toward inclusive and sustainable development. She approaches this work guided by a commitment to strengthening regional cooperation and development.
Principle Investigator of 3-year research grant from the Chilean Government (through its FONDECYT program, equivalent to the US National Science Foundation Grants), investigating “The Political Economy of Innovation in Latin America.” Results synthesized in three papers on innovation policies, regulation and local production systems.
Collaborated as Associate Researcher with the Economic History and Cliometrics Lab, a coalition of social scientists based at the Universidad Catolica de Chile focusing on economic development, history and institutions.